
network of academics

Transport and mobility

The Transport and Mobility competence team deals with social science and interdisciplinary aspects of sustainable mobility. We deal with both national and European research in the area of transport behaviour, mobility management, strategic transport planning, promotion of transport modes alternative to car transport, sustainable tourism and issues of innovative transport services and smart technologies in transport.

We pay particular attention to sustainable urban mobility and strategic transport planning in cities and larger territorial units. Our research topics in this area include, among other things, drawing of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and Institutional Mobility Plans, ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of measures for promotion of sustainable mobility and transport strategies, impact analysis and modelling of development scenarios in sustainable mobility, transport surveys, roles of stakeholders and public involvement in transport planning processes. 

Our activities encompass both primary and applied research and consultation at the European, national and local levels. We also pursue popularization of our research results and teaching, including drawing of education materials for both students and teachers.
