
network of academics


Ing. Jitka Šeflová 

seflova (at) ireas.cz

Jitka is not only an expert in environmental economics (she was intensively involved in waste management for several years), but also a pioneer in the field of education. She is interested in everything related to environmental protection and education of children and adults. She often connects these two areas and is able to create not only professional documents, but also appropriate methods to convey the knowledge. Her outputs have found success in companies, municipalities, schools, etc.


Project manager

Professional guarantor, expert



Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics and Public administration, side specialization Environmental economics,

Ing. studies in Economics


Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics and Public administration

Bachelor studies  

Research fellowship



"Gaining competence in participation methods of adult education and of making project proposals for EU-financed education programmes"

Haminkeln-Dingden, Germany

since 2003

Project manager, professional guarantor

IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

since 2004

Project manager, professional guarantor



Teaching professional subjects

Prague University of Economics and Business, Department of Environmental Economics 


Project assistant, manager

IEEP, Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy, Prague



WE.Circular: Boosting digital and industrial capacity for sustainable circular transition of women entrepreneurs in the Danube Region

Contract authority: Interreg Programme Danube Region

Position: Professional guarantor

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Go with the times - Support for the professional and personal development of women 50+

Contract authority: The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Position: Professional guarantor

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.


You got it, Education of children from orphanages

Contract authority: The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Position: Project manager

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.


Innovating education and supporting positive classroom climate as processes leading towards democratic develompent

Contract authority: Municipal Authority of the City of Prague

Position: Project manager

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.


Developing teachers and pupils – strengthening the competences of teachers at schools and school facilities when working with pupils with SEN (special educational needs)

Contract authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

Position: Project manager 

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.


Training of EVVO coordinators and the practise of using school gardens

Contract authority: State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic

Position: methodical consultant, development of method sheets and games 

Organisation: Local Action Group Podřipsko


The world is created in our heads – The development of democratic culture at Prague schools

Contract authority: Municipal Authority of the City of Prague, Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole 

Position: Project manager

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.


KUPROG –development support programmes for preschools, elementary, high and higher professional schools 

Contract authority: Municipal Authority of the City of Prague, Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole 

Position: Professional guarantor

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.


I belong among others – Developing literacy and practical skills of children from children’s homes

Contract authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic 

Position: Manager of a key activity 

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Encouragement of biodegradable municipal waste recycling as a substitute for non-renewable resources and improvements of soil quality 

Contract authority: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Position: Professional expert 

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Environmental education – interesting for students and easy for teachers 

Contract authority: Regional Authority of Hradec Králové Region 

Position: Professional expert 

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Study of economics of rural development at JU in České Budějovice

Contract authority: Regional Authority of South Bohemia, Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness 

Position: Project manager – Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy, Professional expert

Organisation: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy


E-learning poral – support for teaching at secondary schools in the areas of the environment and sustainable development, business skills and project management

Contract authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness

Position: Professional guarantor, project manager

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy


Theoretical analysis of dependencies between environmental policy, regional policy and regional planning 

Contract authority: Czech Science Foundation 

Position: Professional expert 

Organisation: IEEP, Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy


E-learning project for lifelong learning in selected environmental fields 

Contract authority: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, R&D project 

Position: Project manager 

Organisation: IEEP, Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy


Proposal of integrated system of waste disposal in Moravian-Silesian region 

Contract authority: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, R&D project 

Position: Project manager

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Extension training for public administration in the field of environment (Public administration environmentalist)

Contract authority: Regional Authority of Central Bohemia, Operational Programme Human Resources Development

Position: Project manager

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Building the Treasury system – Treasury training system  

Contract authority: Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic 

Position: Professional expert 

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Strategy for prevention and separation of municipal waste at the local level and formation of a secondary raw materials market in the Czech Republic

Contract authority: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, R&D project 

Position: Professional expert

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Proposal for evaluation of the current economic instruments evaluation for OH in the context of the evaluation of the fulfilment of the objectives of the OPH CZ 

Contract authority: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Position: Professional expert 

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.



Šeflová, J., Stříbrská, Š., Želechovská, K, We learn and play outside in the school garden, Local action group Podřipsko, z. s.


Šeflová, J., Jeřábková, M., Kováčová, K. (ED), I belong among others – A set of methodological sheets for working with children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, IREAS, o. p. s. 


Šeflová Jitka (ed.), Public services of cities and minicipalities, 1st ed., Praha, Publisher Alfa, 2012, ISBN 978-80-87197-60


Šeflová, J., Slavík, J., From central management to multilevel governance – New approaches to natural resource management, Political economy 1/2001, page 137


Šeflová, J., Slavík, J., Analysis of chosen factors of biodegradable municipal waste treatment - case study, Germany, Waste forum 3/2010, page 137

Gojišová, I., Šeflová, J. Experiences in E-learning Education in the Field of Air and Climate protection, Accounting and sustainable development reporting at the microeconomic and macroeconomic level, 24. – 26.5. 2010, Brno

Gojišová, I., Šeflová, J., Experiences with realization of e-learning and distance education of adults in the area of environment, contribution to the conference Forum E-learning 2010, Praha 23.3.

Šeflová, J., Slavník, J., Barriers and regional development potential in the border area exemplified in the Czech-Saxony region, abstract and contribution to the RSA Research Network conference, Ecological Regional Development – Towards a Common Understanding of Ecological Regional Development, 11. -12. 6. 2010 Dresden

Šeflová (ed.), Expert chapters of biodegradable municipal waste treatment and example of Moravskoslezský region, Praha 2010, ISBN 978-80-86684-60-4


Pechanec, V., Šťávová, Z., Vávra, A., Voženílek, V., Jílková, J., Tolasz, R., Šebková, Š., Vlčková, J., Holtanová, E., Müllerová, M., Jurek, M., Mrázová, J.(2009), E-climate: Educational model of e-learning for lifelong education in chosen areas of environment. Pešková, K. (ed.): Proceedings. Symposium GIS Ostrava 2009. [CD-ROM] Ostrava, Tanger, spol. s r. o, s.ISBN: 978-80-87294-00-0


Vlčková, J., Experiences of municipalities with the collection of biodegradable municipal waste, Accounting and sustainable development reporting at the microeconomic and macroeconomic level, 25. - 27. 5. 2009 Brno


Vlčková, J., Jílková, J., Šebková, Š., Experiences with realization of E-learning: Educational model of e-learning for lifelong education in chosen areas of environment, Proceedings of the conference: Efficiency and Responsibility in Education 6 th International Conference, Department of Systems Engineering Czech University of Life Sciences, 11. – 12. 6. 2009 Praha, str. 31


Vlčková J., Jílková J., Educational model of E-learning for lifelong educational in choses areas of environment – E-climate, Proceedings: Air protection in state administration - theory and practice IV. 18 – 20. 11. 2008


Vlčková, J., Experiences with realization of combined education, advantages and disadvantages of e-learning, Proceedings of the conference: E-learning, further education and education of people with disabilities , The Private University College of Economic Studies


Vlčková, J., Combined educational program, Waste forum 6/2007, page 28


Kováčová, A., Vlčková, J., Voluntary accesses in environment protection, EKOLIST, November 2007, http://www.ekolist.cz/nazor.shtml?x=2053828


Vlčková, Jitka (ed.). Environment protection guide for public service. Praha 2008, IREAS, ISBN 978-80-86684-49, 416 p.


Vlčková, J., Costs and benefits of Environmental Management Systems in the Czech Republic and in Germany, Zpravodaj MŽP 4/2006


Vlčková, J. et al., Production and Distribution Balances for Selected Wastes in Conjunction with Proposal of Instrument Mix to Prevent or Increase Material Utilization of WastePraha 2006, IREAS (ISBN 80-86684-37-6)


Vlčková (ed.), Corporate ecologist, IREAS, Praha 2006 ISBN 80-86684-46-6  


Vlčková et al., Municipal Wastes and Sewage Sludges, conference proceedings, IREAS, o. p. s., Praha 2005.

Chvojková, A., Slavík, J., Vlčková, J., Potluka, O., Knápek, J., Beranovský, J., Vašíček, J. (2005), Financial analysis of projects of Cohesion Fund – Manual how use financial models, MMR Praha, chapter 1.2, chapter 5

Slavík, J., Vlčková, J., Possibilities of application of economic instruments in waste management, Odpadové fórum, 1/2005, page 34
Vlčková, J., Slavík, J., Position of Waste Management in the Political Economy, Odpady 4/2005, page 22


Čamrová, L., Jakobe, P., Jílková, J., Potluka, O., Slavík, J., Vlčková, J., Position of agriculture and development in Pardubice Region after Czech Republic’s entry into EU, IREAS, Praha 2004 (ISBN80-86684-19-9)
V. Havránková, M. Vrbová, J. Slavík, J. Vlčková, Proposal of instruments for increasing material recycling and reuse of waste, Waste forum 2/2004

Slavík, J., Vlčková, J., Economic and administrative instruments of management, Management instruments in waste management – part II, Odpadové fórum, 11/2004, page 31


Šauer P. et al., How (not) to Pay for Household Waste, Seminar papers for the project PAYT, 2004