
network of academics


Vítězslav Malý

maly (at) ireas.cz

Vítězslav Malý works as an investigator and a manager of scientific projects. He graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, Economic Policy and Environmental Economics. For the  long term, he is interested in dealing with the issue of economical instruments in environmental protection and their use in water management. Moreover, he is also involved in Energetics, especially in the implementation of renewable energy and energy saving sources, highlighting economical and energetical efficiency. Currently he works as a manager of educational projects aimed at high school students.



Manager of Educational projects

Expert of a competence team, Water and Floods



University of Economics in Prague (Ing. degree)

Professional Experience

Since 2007

IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy

Expert and Project manager of the competence team Water and Floods, and educational projects supported by Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme (ECOP)

Since 2012

PORSENNA o.p.s.,

manager of international projects in the field of energetic independence and energy savings

Since 2020

Enovation, s.r.o


Since 2020

Centrum pasivního domu, z.s.

Manager, expert 


IEEP, Institute for Economic and Ecological Policy, University of Economics in Prague

Expert of the competence team Water and Floods





Methodological tools and analyses for more efficient provision of public support for reducing energy consumption in family houses through the involvement of the banking sector in financial instruments (TK02010093)

Role: Project manager, expert 


Score, Horizon 2020, 784960

Role: project manager, financial manager


Supporting general, executive and practical teaching of students in gastronomy (CZ.02.3.61/0.0/0.0/16_012/0000606)

Role: Project manager


DYNAMIC LIGHT, Central Europe programme, CE 452

Role: Project manager, financial manager


International project SMEP, Sustainable municipal energy planning

Role: Project manager

START - Danube Region Project Fund


Practical teaching - focus on development of pupils' competencies

Role: Project manager


Introduction of new market-based tools to increase the efficiency of the surface water allocation (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, No. TD020020)


Cost-appropriateness evaluation of ensuring a good status of water (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, No. TD020352)

2011 - 2014

Project 3CE393P3, „Energyregion“ for the use of local sources and energetic efficiency in regions, project manager, CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME

2013 - 2014

Project „Educational programme Energetics and Energetic savings“ (CZ.1.07/3.2.02/04.0036), Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme (ECOP)

2010 - 2013

Project „E-learning – Support of high school education in areas of environment and sustainable development, business skills and project management“, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme (ECOP)

2011 - 2012

Project „Analysis of Compliance Costs for the private sector on reporting data into the integrated pollution register“, for the Environmental Impact Assessment Department, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, was processed by VYCERRO, The Research Centre for Competitive and Sustainable Development of Regions  of the University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Usti nad Labem and the University of Economics in Prague

2009 - 2011

SE CLIMATE: Socio-economic analysis of the climate change impacts in the Czech water management - costs of water management services and tools for their regulation (Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, No. QH91257)



Slavíková, L., Malý, V., Rost, M., Petružela, L., Vojáček, O. 2013: Impacts of Climate Variables on Residential Water Consumption in the Czech Republic. Water Resources Journal 27/2: 365-379


Malý, V., Slavíková, L., Rost, M., Petružela,  L., Vojáček, O., Kavan, J.:  Relevantnost využití denních dat o  teplotě a srážkách pro testování dopadu klimatických faktorů na spotřebu  pitné vody domácnostmi, VTEI, 545, 4/2012, ISSN:0322-8916,  s. 6-8  


Slavíková, L., Kováč, U., Kluvánková-Oravská, T., Malý, V.: Sustainable forest management as experimental study from the Czech and Slovak Republics, Prognostické práce, 3, 2011, č. 4


Slavíková, L., Kluvánková-Oravská, T., Trifunovova, S., Malý. V.: A Common or Individual Property, Regime for Sustainable Forest Management?, Experimental Evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics, 2010