
network of academics


Dr. Martin Špaček

spacek (at) e-academia.eu

Martin Spacek has PhD title from the Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management. Previously he graduated with a master degree at University of Economics, Prague. His is interested in regional development with a focus on social innovations and cross-border cooperation in the European Union. He participated in several international research projects concerned with impact evaluations of public expenditure programmes funded from EU Structural Funds. Currently he works as a project developer at Regional Office of the Ústí region and as a guarantor and researcher at the University of J. E. Purkyne.



Project manager



Doctoral degree – Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management, specialization: Management


Master's degree - University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Business Economics and Management


Bachelor's degree - University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Business Economics and Management



Internship in Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (Leipzig, Germany)


Internship in MEPCO, s.r.o – International consultancy for municipalities (Prague)


Participant in European Program for Development Evaluation Training (Prague)


Trainee at the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, Secretariat of the Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations


Participant in Summer School on Counterfactual Impact Evaluation (Turino, Italy)



since 2022

Evaluator of Regional Innovation Strategy for the Ústecký region, Innovation Centre of the Ústí region

since 2021

Researcher at the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem

since 2017

Project manager and researcher in CETIP Network, s.r.o.

since 2008

Project assistent and manager at IREAS centrum, s.r.o.


Guarantor of applied research at University of J. E. Purkyne v Ústí nad Labem


Project developer of Regional Innovation Strategy for the Ústí Region, Regional Office of the Ústí Region

since 2008

Project assistant and manager at the IREAS centrum, and IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy


Researcher and project manager at CETIP Network, a Centrum of Transdisciplinary studies CETIP


Researcher at the Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences


Early stage researcher at SPECTRA Centre of excelence of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


Project assistant at the University of Economics, Prague



Coevolutionary approach to unlock the transformative potential of nature-based solutions for more inclusive and resilient communities

Provider: Horizont Evropa

Implementer: CETIP Network, s.r.o.


Support for the implementation of the Just Transition Fund in the Czech Republic

Provider: Structural Reform Support Programme, Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM)

Implementer: Independent expert within the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH (AARC Consortium)


Ex ante evaluation of the draft of the applied research program of the Ministry of Agriculture for the period 2023 – 2032

client: Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information

Implementer: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.


Project QK22010354: Taxonomy - classification scheme for evaluation of sustainability in agriculture

Provider: Ministry of Agriculture, QK – Ministry of Agriculture applied research programme for the period 2017-2025

Implementer: University of J. E. Purkyne in Ústí nad Labem


Support to the preparation of a Territorial Just Transition Plan in the Czech Republic

Provider: Structural Reform Support Programme, Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM)

Implementer: independent expert in Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH (AARC Consortium)


Smart City – Smart Region – Smart Community (SMART-ITI)
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education

implementer: University of J. E. Purkyne in Ústí nad Labem


Support and development of the innovation environment in the Ústí Region II (Smart II – ÚK)
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education

implementer: Regional Office of the Ústí Region


Methodology for evaluating the contribution of supported projects in the field of waste management from the Operational Program Environment 2007–2013 and 2014–2020 in relation to the set objectives of the Waste Management Plan of the Czech Republic IV
The Contracting Authority: Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic

implementer: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy


Interim evaluation of the Program of applied research of the Ministry of agriculture for the period 2017-2025, “Země” and the Concept of the research, development and innovation of the Ministry of agriculture for the years 2016-2022
The Contracting Authority: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Repblic

implementer: IREAS centrum


Preparation of case studies of projects finance in calls of local action groups from Operational Programme Employment
The Contracting Authority: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

implementer: IREAS centrum


InnoForESt - Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services
Horizon 2020

implementer: Centrum of Transdisciplinary studies CETIP


SIMRA – Social Innovations in Marginalized Rural Areas
Horizon 2020

implementer: CETIP Network


ITN RegPol² – Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe

Particulary research project: Multilevel governance for balanced development between core and peripheral spaces


Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of subsidies to business sector in the Czech Republic

The Contracting Authority: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, implementer: VŠE v Praze


Pilot Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of the OP HRE, measure 1.1

The Contracting Authority: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, implementer: IREAS centrum, s.r.o.


Evaluation of implementation of partnership principle in the Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme

The Contracting Authority: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, implementer: IREAS centrum, s.r.o.


Impacts of EU Cohesion policy in Visegrad countries

An international research project financed by the International Visegrad Fund, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Czech-Polish Forum, implementer: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy


Introductory analysis for building of the absorption capacity

The Contracting Authority: Ministry of Local Development, implementer: IREAS centrum, s.r.o. - financed from the OPTA 2007 - 2013



MATERN, A., ŠPAČEK, M., THEUNER, J., KNIPPSCHILD, R., & JANÁČEK, J. (2023). Strategies for energy transition and regional development in European post-coal mining regions: Ústí Region, Czechia, and Lusatia, Germany. Territory, Politics, Governance, 1-22.


LOUDA, J., DUBOVÁ, L., ŠPAČEK, M., BRNKAĽÁKOVÁ, S., & KLUVÁNKOVÁ, T. (2023). Factors affecting governance innovations for ecosystem services provision: Insights from two self-organized forest communities in Czechia and Slovakia. Ecosystem Services, 59, 101497.


ŠPAČEK, M., MELNYKOVYCH, M., KOZOVÁ, M., PAUDITŠOVÁ, E., & KLUVÁNKOVÁ, T. (2022). The role of knowledge in supporting the revitalisation of traditional landscape governance through social innovation in Slovakia. Environmental Policy and Governance.


SORGE, S., MANN, C., SCHLEYER, C., LOFT, L., SPACEK, M., HERNÁNDEZ-MORCILLO, M., & KLUVANKOVA, T. (2022). Understanding dynamics of forest ecosystem services governance: A socio-ecological-technical-analytical framework. Ecosystem Services, 55, 101427.


PRIMMER, E., VARUMO, L., KRAUSE, T., ORSI, F., GENELETTI, D., BROGAARD, S., ... & MANN, C. (2021). Mapping Europe’s institutional landscape for forest ecosystem service provision, innovations and governance. Ecosystem Services, 47, 101225.


 KLUVANKOVA, T., NIJNIK, M., SPACEK, M., SARKKI, S., PERLIK, M., LUKESCH, R., ... & BRNKALAKOVA, S. (2021). Social innovation for sustainability transformation and its diverging development paths in marginalised rural areas. Sociologia Ruralis.


TELLE, S., ŠPAČEK, M., CRĂCIUN, D. (2019). Divergent Paths to Cohesion: The (Unintended) Consequences of a Place-Based Cohesion Policy. In Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarisation (pp. 149-172). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.


POTLUKA, O., ŠPAČEK, M. (2019). Civil Society in Urban Areas: A Partner for Territorial Cohesion?. In Territorial Cohesion (pp. 23-37). Springer, Cham.


KLUVÁNKOVÁ, T., BRNKAĽÁKOVÁ, S., ŠPAČEK, M., SLEE, B., NIJNIK, M., VALERO, D., ... & SZABO, T. (2018). Understanding social innovation for the well-being of forest-dependent communities: A preliminary theoretical framework. Forest Policy and Economics, 97(C), 163-174.




KLUVÁNKOVÁ TATIANA, GEŽÍK VERONIKA, ŠPAČEK MARTIN, BRNKAĽÁKOVÁ STANISLAVA, KOZOVÁ MÁRIA (2017). Transdisciplinary understanding of social innovation in marginalised rural areas. Terra Spectra STU. Planning Studies, 9, 2017, č. 1, s. 3-13.


POTLUKA, OTO, ŠPAČEK, MARTIN, REMR, JIŘÍ (2017). Non-governmental Organizations as Partners: Obstacles in the EU Cohesion Policy? 1. Ekonomický časopis, 65, 2017, č. 8, s. 715-736.


POTLUKA, OTO, ŠPAČEK, MARTIN, VON SCHNURBEIN, GEORG (2017). Impact of the EU structural funds on financial capacities of non-profit organizations. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28, 2017, č. 5, s. 2200-2223.


POTLUKA, OTO, BRŮHA, JAN, ŠPAČEK, MARTIN, VRBOVÁ, LUCIE (2016). Countrefactual Impact Evaluation on EU Cohesion Impact Evaluation in Training in Companies. Ekonomický časopis, 64, 2016, č. 6, s. 575-595.


POTLUKA, OTO; ŠPAČEK, MARTIN (2014). Postupy a metody kontrafaktuálních dopadových evaluací pro Operační program Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost 2014-2020. Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.


POTLUKA, OTO; ŠPAČEK, MARTIN (2014). The EU Cohesion Policy's Effect on the Civil Sciety Organisations in the Czech Republic. In MITCHELL, E. (ed.). Sustainable Recovery? Rebalancing, Growth, and the Space Economy. London: Regional Studies Association, 2014, s. 165--172. ISBN 978-1-897721-49-0.


ŠPAČEK, MARTIN; BRŮHA, JAN; HÁKOVÁ, LUCIE; POTLUKA, OTO (2014). Countefactual impact evaluation of public programmes in the field of envirnment: Methodological approaches. In MITCHELL, E. (ed.). Sustainable Recovery? Rebalancing, Growth, and the Space Economy. London: Regional Studies Association, 2014, s. 215--217. ISBN 978-1-897721-49-0.


POTLUKA, OTO A KOL. (2014). Local Participation in Visegrad Countries: How Are Politicians Rooted in the Civil Society?. 1. vyd. Praha: Ireas, Institut pro strukturální politiku, o.p.s, 2014. 108 s. ISBN 978-80-86684-98-7.


SPACEK, M. (2013): Hodnocení dopadů fondů EU na kapacity obecně prospěšných společností. Evaluační teorie a praxe, 2013, Volume 1, Number 1, ISSN: 2336-114X.


POTLUKA, O., BRUHA, J., VOZAR, O., SPACEK, M., LOUN, J., POLAKOVIC, R. (2012): First results of the Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of ESF Assistance in the Czech Republic. In International Days of Statistics and Economics. Prague: UEP, 2012, ISBN 978-80-86175-79-9.


POTLUKA, O. a al. (2012): Příručka pro projekty realizované v partnerství. Office of the Government of the Czech Republic: 2012, Prague, str. 192, ISBN 978-80-7440-062-9
2010 POTLUKA, O. et al. (2010): Impact of EU Cohesion Policy in Central Europe, 1st edition, Leipziger Universitätsverlag: 2010, p. 142, ISBN 978-3-86583-541-3