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Ladislav Sobotka

sobotka (at) ieep.cz

Ladislav Sobotka currently works as an electricity trader in the company ČEZ. In terms of the electricity markets, his research topics are flow-based market coupling and capacity remuneration mechanisms.

Since 2008, Ladislav has been cooperating with the Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy mainly on the topics of air quality, climate change, economics of waste management and regulatory impact assessment.

He also teaches externally the Economics of Happiness and Air Quality Economics at the University of Economics in Prague.


Project manager and Researcher in field of energy and environmental economics



Charles University in Prague, Master's degree in Economics and Finance


University of Economics, Bachelor's degree in International Trade

Internship abroad


Scholarship at Universität Leipzig, Germany (GFPS), internship in Institut für Umweltmanagement.


Study journey for volunteers from the social field in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

Work experience

since 2012

Ezpada s.r.o. Trader of electricity on the European energy exchanges, analyst of flow-based market coupling

since 2008

Junior researcher at Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy



Project TB010MZP061: Encouragement of biodegradable municipal waste recycling as substitute of non-renewable resources and improvements of soil quality.

Provider: TAČR, Contractor: IREAS, Institut pro strukturální politiku, o.p.s., Position: Analyst.


Project: Impact assessment of the environmental and energetic regulation with regard to the competitiveness of the Czech industry up to the year 2020.

Provider: Svaz průmyslu a dopravy České republiky, Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s., Position: co-investigator.


Project: Assessing the waste management projects in the Central Bohemia region.

Provider: Eko-kom a.s. Position: Project Analyst


The part Economic analysis of the measures improving air quality within the study Increasing absorption capacity of the priority 2 -analysis of national and regional strategic documents.

Provider: The Ministry of the Environment CZ. Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s. Position: co-investigator.


Organization and lecturing of a regulation impact assessment course.

Provider: The Ministry of the Environment CZ. Contractor: E-academia.eu, s.r.o. Position: investigator.


Impact assessment of the Industrial Emission Directive for sources up to 50 MW.

Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade CZ. Contractor: SPD Group. Position: co- investigator


Project: Analysis and modelling regulatory impact assessment on the microeconomic level.

Contractor: Department of Environmental Economics at University of Economics Prague. Position: co- investigator



Vojáček, O.; Sobotka, L.; Louda, J. Economic impact assessment using micro-simulation approach: case of emission limits lowering
in Czech power heating plants. In: Melichar, J.; Kaprová, K.; Máca, V. et al., Applied Environmental Economics and Econometrics: Czech


Vojáček, O.; Sobotka, L.; Kříž, R. Ekonomické dopady směrnice o průmyslových emisích na teplárenské provozy, Studie vypracovaná na zakázku Teplárenským sdružením ČR, 2011.
Vojáček, O.; Sobotka, L. Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) impact assessments using microsimulation tool e-Academia. Praha 17. 05. 2011 - 20. 05. 2011. In: Auterská, P. (ed.). Sborník z 1. světové vědecké konference o ochraně ovzduší PETrA 2011 [CD-ROM]. Praha: Odour, 2011. 8 p. ISBN 978-80-02-02293-0.
Vojáček, O.; Sobotka, L.; Louda, J. Assessing the economic impact of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) implementation on the large combustion plants: case studies using micro-simulation approach. Praha 13. 10. 2011 - 14. 10. 2011. In: Šauer, P.; Šauerová, J. (ed.). Environmental Economics, Policy and International Environmental Relations. Praha: VŠE FMV, 2011, pp. 149-155.


Sobotka, L. K metodám analýz dopadů politik životního prostředí na mikroekonomické subjekty. In: Žák, M. (ed.). Účetnictví a reporting
udržitelného rozvoje na mikroekonomické a makroekonomické úrovni, Praha: Linde, 2010.


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